BODY OF CHRIST CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK is a Christian organisation that promotes christian values and biblical principles through online advertisements, teaching,preaching,christian movies and drama,children programs, christian youth work, news and magazines, among others.
As the Body of Christ, we organize, support and promote christian crusades, conferences, workshops and seminars . We advocate for the church of God as well as encourage and promote unity in the body of Christ. WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK. We exist to divinely fulfill the eternal prophecies of our Lord Jesus Christ in JOHN 17:21. We are mandated to fulfill Heavenly vision because we are the salt and light of this world. The Body of Christ is not divided and we are one body, united in Christ. Alleluia! We are mandated to unify the Body of Christ through the application and demonstration of God’s love towards one another, irrespective of race or social backgrounds.
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me -JOHN 17:21
Statement of Belief
As the Body of Christ, we strongly believe in the eternal oneness of GOD THE FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.JOHN 10:30,JOHN 17:21,
We believe in the authoritative and unfailing power of the WORD OF GOD . The Holy Bible is the breath and the strength of our foundation in Christ Jesus. JOHN 1:1-18,HEBREW 4:12, PSALM 119:105.
We strongly believe in the second coming of Christ and the rapture of the saints. 1 THESSALONIANS 4:13-18, REV 1:7.
We also believe in the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the finished work of Calvary. REVELATION 12:11
As the Body of Christ, we believe in baptism by immersion and HOLY GHOST BAPTISM WITH THE EVIDENCE OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES. ACTS 2:1-13, MATTHEW 3:13-17, ROMANS 6:4, COLOSSIANS 2:12.
We believe in GREAT COMMISSION which is Soul Winning and it is the heartbeat of God. MATTHEW 28:16-20.
Also, as the Body of Christ, we believe that God created male and female-only, to be husband and wife respectively.GENESIS 1:26-28
We believe in one man and one wife, not the opposite.MARK 10:6., GENESIS 5:2
The power of prayer is the covenant gift of God that we value in the most precious way to fulfil God’s project and investment on earth.